FROG HOLLER FARM - June 27, 2020

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”
    - Margaret Atwood

Greetings from the Farm Crew and Critters! It has been a good growing week on the farm, although a little more rain wouldn't hurt. See what y'all can do about that! (We got some on Friday - thanks!)


This week we roasted the garlic scapes until almost charred and crispy - very tasty!

 We also enjoyed our first feast from neighbor Maan Abdul-Baki, who occasionally provides the crew with authentic Lebanese fare. You can find the recipe for Lebanese Lentil + Chard Soup on p. 60 of  the Frog Holler Recipe book and see the actual soup AND the soup-maker here:
Using cilantro, scallions and chard!

I told him to smile! :-)


Milan (pronounced like the city in Italy, not the town in Michigan!) Anderson is our only residential intern this year, joining us at an uncertain time in late April, but agreeably quarantining for her first two weeks so that she and we felt comfortable together.

Milan graduated from the University of Michigan, majoring in Applied Movement in the School of Kinesiology, with a Minor in Spanish.  She followed graduation with pre-med courses at Oakland University until taking a break and heading to some farms for a change of pace. After working at farms in the midwest, Milan taught science in two different Chicago schools. She continued her interest in growing and working with plants at an urban farming initiative in Chicago called Urban Canopy. After volunteering at farms in Puerto Rico this winter,  Milan returned to the area where she grew up (Detroit northern 'burbs) and looked for farm work relatively nearby. Enter Frog Holler!

Milan continues her interest in health and healing, but at present is exploring the healing aspects of  herbs and wild plants. At the farm she has been harvesting and preserving wild medicinal plants for eventual salves and tinctures. Milan's ongoing interest in herbalism has led to the launch this week of the Fresh-Picked Medicinal Herbs section of our Produce ordering web site! You can see it here: (scroll down) and learn more about the traditional uses of these humble "wild plants" that grow so generously and offer so much.

Milan harvesting elder flowers
Thanks Milan for sharing your skills and interests!

Nature's wild bounty

Have a great week everyone!


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