FROG HOLLER FARM - July 4, 2020

Crew member Cale floating between two worlds

Cale picks Kale

Cale hails from Adrian and fun fact: he is named after the famed American race car driver, Cale Yarborough rather than the nutritious vegetable we are now more familiar with. Another fun fact: Wikipedia describes Cale Yarborough as an American farmer, businessman and then goes on about NASCAR wins.  We don't know what the other Cale farmed but we're glad that this Cale's name set him on the vegetative rather than the automotive course!

The good-natured recipient of many comments on his name, Cale did happen to be picking Kale when we took photos, thus....

Cale loads a bale of kale!



Cale, along with his partner Ashleh, is back for his second year on the Frog Holler crew, but we have known Cale through our festival, Holler Fest, for several years. Cale carves beautiful wooden spoons and has given carving demos at the festival. (See one of Cale's spoons in the Basil photo above).

Spoons by Cale
More Cale spoons

Cale was also renowned for an epic session on the last day of an early festival when he cheerfully washed dishes for what seemed like forever! And Cale brings that same cheerful attitude to weeding crops for what seems like forever!

An advocate for justice in all aspects of society, Cale recommends and recently gifted the book, Farming While Black, to the farm.

In Cale's spare time from the farm, he and Ashleh tend an extensive home garden. After gardening season, Cale carves spoons, bakes bread, makes pies, and generally lives close to the earth.

And sometimes Cale makes pie in the summer - strawberry/rhubarb yum!

See more of Cale's spoons and Ashleh's jewelry on their Instagram page: caveandcanopy.

Haiku (and photo) from Cale

My name is my name
though not born in December
I am frost hardy

Although he may have been named for a race car driver, Cale has made his own track, tracing a rhythm in life based on the cycle of the seasons, the feel of the earth, and the connection with fellow travelers on the path. Thanks for joining us Cale!

Cale moving at the pace of the pond

Have a great week everyone - try to keep cool - in the pond, lake or pool!


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